Saturday, February 6, 2010

Unfortunately, Liberals, Privatizing SSI is the Only Answer

Scanned image of author's US Social Security card.Image via Wikipedia
Considering Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt, privatizing will eventually be the only option.
The 2009 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports (not the Republican Party) show the combined unfunded liability of these two programs has reached nearly $107 trillion in today's dollars! That is about seven times the size of the U.S. economy and 10 times the size of the outstanding national debt.
The unfunded liability is the difference between the benefits that have been promised to current and future retirees and what will be collected in dedicated taxes and Medicare premiums. In2008 alone, this debt rose by $5 trillion. If no other reform is enacted, this funding gap can only be closed in future years by substantial tax increases, large benefit cuts or both.
Go back and read that again, saying it to yourselves very slowwwwlyyy:
107 trillion, 107 trillion...
Of course, what is the educated liberals cure? Spend more money. You liberals better wise up, look at Argentina and Iceland, because that is where we are headed. Of course, conspiratorialists say that was your plan all along....
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Friday, February 5, 2010

Thanks for the Change Liberals

What’s driving Obama’s unprecedented massive deficits? Spending.

* President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.
* President Bush began a string of expensive finan­cial bailouts. President Obama has accelerated that course.
* President Bush created a Medicare drug entitle­ment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama is trying to accelerate health care change with a new govern­ment health care fund.
* President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. Presi­dent Obama would double it.
* President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already in­creased this spending by 20 percent.
* President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.
* President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt), President Obama’s budget would add $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.

Some "change" you liberal clowns voted in. It's the spending "stupid".

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Did Clinton Balance the Budget? No

*en: Official White House photo of President B...Image via Wikipedia

Just so intellectual liberals can get their facts right. The Contract with America which balanced the budget was designed by Newt Gingrich. It was originally vetoed, but then signed by Clinton after some modifications and a threat of veto override. It was not Clinton's legislation nor did it bear any of his ideas.

The Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 led to a push for a balanced budget as part of the Republican Contract with America campaign, continuing deficit reductions by President Clinton consistent with his 1992 campaign promise. Despite political conflicts with President Clinton, the Legislature and the Chief Executive reduced the deficit.

At this time, Americans viewed reducing the deficit one of the most important public policy objectives. In March 1995, a Balanced Budget Amendment passed the House of Representatives and came within one vote of passing the Senate.

Out of office, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for continued payments toward the debt with a view to paying it off entirely. Ross Perot's less effective 1996 presidential bid was in part evidence of the declining significance of the deficit, and hence the Balanced Budget Amendment, as an issue.

In his final State of the Union, President Clinton said the United States should continue to balance its books and pay off the debt entirely.

Subsequent tax cuts during the Bush administration, the technology downturn which began impacting the economy in mid-2000, and increased military and other spending have eliminated Clinton-era surpluses. Both the deficit and debt grew to the largest in U.S. history, although not as a percentage of GDP. In fiscal years starting September 30, 2002 and ending September 30, 2006 the national debt increased nearly 50%.

In the first year of Barack Obama's presidency, the deficit is expected to reach $1.75 trillion. President Obama does not intend to balance the budget during his term(s) but does plan to lower the deficit to $533 billion by the year 2013.

So yes, the Republicans balanced the budget. Then George Bush went on to piss the whole thing away. Thanks to that brilliant strategy we now have Barack Obama running things.

The problem with RINO'S (Republicans in Name Only) is the minute they win an election, they turn into Democrats.
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Friday, January 22, 2010

It's the Spending Stupid

Liberals just don't get it. They just do not understand why they lost the senate race in Massachusetts . They don't understand why they are losing more seats in November.

For that matter, many conservatives don't get it either.

It's not "anger" with Bush.
It's not Healthcare.
It's not the bailout.
It's not the backdoor deals.
It's not sleeping with Wall Street.
It's not the buying of auto companies.

On and On and On the list could go as pundits pontificate.

Of course, none of these things help the outlook for liberals in Washington and across the nation, but they just don't get the one thing that has the American public really pissed off.

It's the SPENDING stupid.

For the average American, heathcare for the poor is okay, bailing out banks is ok, welfare, food stamps, shopping carts for the homeless, any program crazy or not, you can think of, is usually okay with any American if it is helping someone, anyone. But thats "if" and only if you can pay for it.
And America cannot pay for any of it.

Liberals Just Don't Get It